12. joulukuuta 2014


Alla on kuva suuren suosion nuorten tyttöjen keskuudessa saanesta Bratz nukesta ja Barbiesta, joista voidaan myös tarkastella kauneutta. Bratz nukessa voi havaita pään olevan valtavan suuri verrattuna vartaloon ja tätä kutsutaan neoteny:ksi. Näillä kummallakin nukella on suuret silmät verrattuna nenän kokoon. Täten nuket täyttävät tämän osalta pitkälti kauneuden kriteerit. Bratz nukessa on kuitenkin menty niin pitkälle, että nenä on huomattavan pieni verrattuna silmiin ja tähän suuntaan luultavasti ollaan seksuaalivalinnassa menossa. Näyttää kuitenkin siltä, ettei nenä aikuisilla saa olla täysin vauvamainen vaan siinä tulee olla myös korkeutta, jota yleensä puuttuu mustilta ja aasialaisilta. Nukeilla leuat ovat pieniä, joka on yksi tärkeä tekijä naisen kauneudessa, koska miehet ovat testosteronista johtuen yleensä suuremman leuan tai nenän alapuolisen kasvon osan omaavia ja myöskin kulmikkaita kasvoiltaan, kun naisen kasvojen tulee olla pyöreämmät tai sirommat eli toisin sanoen vauvamaiset. Lisäksi aikuisilla naisilla korkeat poskipäät ovat kauneuden ja aikuisuuden merkki, mutta poskiluut eivät tietenkään saa olla liian suuresti esillä, kuten yleensä voi nähdä aasialaisilla tai afrikkalaisilla.

Huomatkaa myös nukeilla olevan hyvin pitkät hiukset, jollaisen kasvattaminen ei ole tietenkään mahdollista tai helppoa suurelle osalle mustista ja miksei myös mulattinaisista. Nukeilla on myös pitkät sääret ja tutkimusten mukaan miehet yleisemmin tykkäävät pidemmät jalat verrattuna ylävartaloon omaavista naisista. Tietääkseni tässä on osaltaan kyse siitä, ettei nainen tällöin näytä lapselta vaan aikuiselta naiselta, koska lapsilla on lyhyemmät jalat. Tämä on varsinkin ongelma aasialaisille naisille, joilla ei ole yleisemmin sääret pitkiä, mutta ratkaisuna tähän on keksitty korkokengät, jotka eivät kuitenkaan ole jalkojen terveyden kannalta hyviä.

Some young female chimps treat sticks like dolls, handling them in a manner that evokes maternal play.

The study presents the first evidence of an animal species in the wild in which object play differs between males and females.

Scientists now think there is a biological basis behind toy choices among all primates, including humans.

Alla olevassa kommentissa tuodaan esille kuinka kauniilla naisella olisi 14-vuotiaan tytön kasvot ja jotain tällaista olen joistain tutkimuksista lukenut. Kyse on siis kasvojen samankaltaisuudesta vaikka vartalon osalta miehet yleensä tykkäävät esim. leveästä lantiosta, pitkistä sääristä ja suuremmista rinnoista, joita ei vielä yleensä ole tuon ikäisillä. Voisi kuitenkin ajatella, että monet miehet, jotka tykkäävät paljon tyttömäisemmästä ulkonäöstä naisella tykkäävät paljon aasialaisista naisista.

The ideal female face is the face of a 14 year old girl.

Look at these before and after photos of Korean women. They’ve all basically tried to make themselves look about 14.
Published in a special women's issue of A. Magazine, which targets a young adult, middle-class Asian American audience, Yoon's autobiographical essay provides a genealogical critique of Mattel's "Asian" Barbie doll family, both those produced as nationals of Asian countries and those who are presumably Asian Americans. While telling her story of Barbie consumption, which ends in cutting off all of Barbie's hair and throwing her in the trash, Yoon criticizes Mattel's refusal to make Asian Barbie dolls' physical features significantly different from white Barbie's. Like any of the dolls that are named "Barbie" and represent people of color, the slight changes in Asian Barbie dolls generally have to do with hair, skin, and eye color, which is what du Cille refers to as Mattel's "dye jobs."31 Further, Yoon slams Mattel's refusal to market their Asian American doll, Kira, which also has slightly modified physical features, as such. Nothing on the doll's packaging mentions her ethnicity. "The only Barbies which admit their Asian status," Yoon writes, "are the ones released in Mattel's Dolls of the World Collection--which have a sales lifespan of just two years before they're pulled, never to be sold again." In her autobiographical critique Yoon acknowledges the broadly held view that Barbie consumption has effects on subject formation and even national subjectivity, at the same time that she rejects Mattel's conflation of physical characteristics and ethnicities and the ease with which they essentially use one white image to represent millions of culturally different women.

Alla olevalla sivulla kerrotaan kauppojen hyllyillä olevan paljon Jasmine ja Tiana nukkeja, jonka takia kirjoittaja olettaa Mattelin lopettaneen nukkejen myynnin uuden pakkauksen perusteella, joka on oikealla puolella kuvassa. Sivuston kirjoittajan mukaan tämä myynnin lopettaminen johtuu vanhempien rasismista, kun eivät osta lapsilleen ei "valkoisia" nukkeja. En tiedä, mihin tietoon hän perustaa väitteensä, koska varmasti myös osa lapsista saa itse päättää millaisen nuken haluaa, eikä lapsia tai ketään muutakaan voi syyttää rasisteiksi, jos eivät halua mustaa nukkea vaan tällöin syyllistäjä on itse rasisti. Tietenkin jouluna vanhemmat voivat omatoimisesti ostaa lahjaksi nuken, mutta eiköhän nykyisin lapset itse esitä "joulupukille" kalliit lahjatoiveet, joten lahjat eivät ole kaikilta osin sukkia.

Hyvin useasti näissä rasisti väitteissä syyllistetään valkoisia, mutta typerältä syyllistäjältä tahtoo varmaan unohtua, että Yhdysvalloissa on kasvavassa määrin latinoita ja muita ihmisryhmiä, jotka myös ostavat leluja lapsilleen, joten jos afrolatino perheen pieni lapsi haluaa vaalean barbie nuken, niin ei sitä voi estää vaikka kuinka rasistikorttia heiluttaisi ja syyllistäisi valkoisia afrolatino lapsen halusta saada vaalean barbie nuken. Valkoiset eivät ole kaikkeen syyllisiä, jos pienen lapsen mielestä vaalea sinisilmäinen barbie on kaunis vaikka typerälle aikuiselle tästä tulee mieleen rasismi.

Hominid fossils illustrate how modern humans have evolved anatomically. Included in the fossils are traits no longer phenotypically prevalent in humans (primitive) and phenotypic traits that have become increasingly prevalent (derived). In this study, published paleontological information about the anatomical evolution of humans was used to create line drawings of human form. Survey data were accumulated by having 759 individuals evaluate more than 40 anatomical traits. Each anatomical trait was presented as a panel of three line drawings intended to express the trait in a primitive, intermediate, and derived form. For each panel of three drawings, subjects were instructed to select the drawing they considered most attractive and then select the drawing they considered least attractive. The survey data indicate that males and females of diverse ages, races, cultures, and from varied geographical regions show commonality in their judgements of beauty of human form. The individuals surveyed appeared to have a strong aversion to primitive traits, preferring proportions and characteristics that are intermediate or more derived. In many instances, the evaluators preferred drawings that were exaggeratedly derived. The data may have relevance to the ongoing debate of whether averageness or atypicality is the essence of human beauty. Also, there was high agreement in judging the attractiveness of shapes and proportions in line drawings that were not immediately recognized to be representations of human form. These data could indicate that our general aesthetic sense for art, architecture, and fashion may be based on a subliminal reference to derived anatomical shapes and proportions. Overall, the data support the hypothesis that derived traits that are universally shared by anatomically modern humans may be the standard for our innate sense of beauty of human form.
The long-term acceptance and success of the Barbie doll suggests the physical characteristics of the doll are perceived as attractive. When viewed in the context of universal attractiveness, response to the doll raises the question why Barbie is perceived as attractive. Published paleontological data on hominid fossils indicate how the shapes and anatomical proportions of humans have evolved. Included in the fossils are phenotypic traits no longer prevalent in humans (primitive) and phenotypic traits that have become increasingly prevalent (derived). It is noted that the anatomical proportions of the Barbie doll are exaggerated and emphasize derived characteristics. It was proposed that in the perception of human form, derived traits are perceived as attractive while primitive traits are perceived as unattractive. Drawings and photographs were utilized to survey reactions to a comparison of primitive vs derived traits by 495 subjects, instructed to select the shape or proportion they considered more attractive. There was significant agreement among the subjects that derived anatomical traits were perceived as more attractive than primitive ones. The Barbie doll is illustrative of how human beauty has evolved and indicates elements of human form that appear beautiful. The doll emphasizes our derived evolutionary traits and, possibly, that is why the doll is perceived as attractive.
Barbie wave in cosmetic surgery

Rhinoplasty which transforms you to be confident, sexy and cute just like a Barbie doll

Get an ideal nose that fits every situation- at club, party, job interview, blind date

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Parents may feel awkward but I don't think children see the dolls as sexy. They just think they're pretty.
Essentially, what these measurements showed was that Barbie’s body type appears in less than 1 in 100,000 women. It should be no surprise that Barbie’s measurements are not consistent with real women, but what is surprising is the extent of just how disproportionate she really is in comparison. Moreover, if she were really flesh-and-blood she would only be about 10% body fat so she would be too lean to menstruate. Therefore, if she were human, not only would she not look like a healthy woman, but her body would not function like one either.
Reinhard Beuthien was ordered to make a "filler" to conceal a blank space in the Bild-Zeitung of June 24, 1952. He drew a cute baby, but his boss didn't like it. So he kept the face, added a ponytail and a curvy woman's body and called his creation "Lilli". She sat in a fortune-teller's tent asking: "Can't you tell me the name and address of this rich and handsome man?" The cartoon was an immediate success so Beuthien had to draw new ones each day.
Common assumptions and beliefs today are made in reference to the quotes “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and “beauty is only skin-deep” which are supported by the Standard Social Science Model. According to this model, society’s standards of beauty are rooted in socialization processes. A person’s standards of beauty are based upon the culture in which they live. However, today evolutionary psychology is finding that standards of beauty are not learned, rather they are innate. Research has shown that “standards of beauty are universal, both across individuals in a single culture,” white and east Asian individuals along with white and black individuals, “and across all cultures” (Miller & Kanazawa 65).
Barbie was not a success at first. During and after the New York Toy Show its sales were yet to be what Mattel expected. Most of the buyers, used to baby dolls, did not like the new adult look of Barbie. When Barbie was conceived and launched, the doll segment of the toy market was dominated by Ginny, a doll made of hard plastic by Vogue Dolls, Inc. and by Miss Revlon, produced by Ideal Toy & Novelty Corporation.
The Barbie-doll was created by Ruth Handler in 1958, owner of the Mattel company, in order to provide a representation of an adult to play with instead of baby dolls or paper dolls for her daughter Barbara, eponym of the famous doll. Together with her husband, Ruth searched for this kind of toy and finally found it in Germany, a doll named Lilli. Back in the United States, the Handlers remodeled the doll, but they kept the size and the features essentially intact. On March 9th 1959, the Handlers presented it to the visitors of the New York Toy Fair and the day remained Barbie’s official birthday. What they however not mentioned to the customers was that Lilli was a somewhat pornographic image of a woman intended to be sold to men in tobacco stores and bars and was based on a cartoon for the infamous German newspaper Bildzeitung (cf. Birkle 253).

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