12. joulukuuta 2014


Google Scholar:sta löytää paljonkin mielenkiintoisia tutkimuksia, kun käyttää tarkempia hakusanoja, että tulee vastaa tutkimuksia, joita ei ole ennen nähnyt. Alla on taas poiminta deittitutkimuksesta, joista olen aiemmin kertonut, mutta tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan enemmän homoseksuaalien parinvalintaa. Alle olen poiminut saman tiedon, mikä on tuotu myös monissa muissa tutkimuksissa esille kuinka valkoiset naiset eivät mielellään deittaile muiden kuin valkoisten miesten kanssa, kun taas valkoiselle miehelle kelpaa myös aasialainen nainen, muttei usein musta nainen.
It is notable that, while straight men’s greater likelihood of messaging Asians over Black women fits with national trends in heterosexual intermarriage, white straight women’s behavior does not. Although white women are more likely to be married to a black man than an Asian man, here we see that women daters ignore both Asian and Black men about equally, which is consistent with previous findings (blinded).


Minority men are often stereotyped as either threatening or unappealing, while minority women are often stereotyped as sexually available and exotic. For example, the literature exposes depictions of Black men as dangerously hyper-masculine and Asian men as effeminate.

Alla olevassa tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille paljonkin karua tietoa koskien varsinkin mustia naisia kuinka mustille opiskelija naisille ei löydy helposti koulusta tai kampukselta riittävästi mustia poikaystäviä, eikä vastaavasti valkoiset tai muut miehet ole usein mustista naisista kiinnostuneita. Tilannetta pahentaa myös sekin, että kouluissa ei ole mustilla miehillä samanlaisia vaikeuksia muodostaa sekarotuista parisuhdetta, johon yhtenä syynä on ihonväri, koska miehet tykkäävät yleisemmin vaaleasta ihonväristä naisella.
Among the youngest generations of Americans, racial/ethnic boundaries between Black women and White men are the least likely to be breached. These researchers found that among high school students, Black girls were less likely to be romantically involved in schools that were predominantly White, and White boys were less likely to be romantically involved in schools that were 30%–59% Black, confirming a low likelihood of intercultural dating between Black women and White men. In contrast, dating among Black male high school students was unaffected by the racial/ethnic composition of the student population. Hence, although several studies have concluded that men (including White men) are willing and likely to date or marry interculturally, the caveat lies in who they are willing to date; among minority women, Latinas are the preferred intercultural dating partner.


Our finding that Black women are the least likely intercultural dating partner is not surprising, given that Black women are the furthest away from the light skin tone, sharp facial features, and long straight hair that are associated with mainstream U.S. standards of beauty. These societal biases are reflected in online daters’ declared physical preferences.

Alla olevassa tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille kuinka valkoiset ovat enemmän valmiita seurustelemaan mustien kanssa verrattuna latinoihin ja aasialaisiin, mutta todetaan kuinka miehet eivät usein tykkää mustista naisista ulkonäön ja luonteen takia. Mustat naiset eivät myöskään mielellään sekarotuista parisuhdetta muodosta ja vaikka moni sellaisen haluaisi muodostaa tulee tällöin ongelmaksi miesten kielteinen suhtautuminen mustiin naisiin.
Among non-blacks, whites were the most open to dating blacks, followed by Latinos and Asians. Asians and Latinos were more likely to exclude blacks because of social disapproval, and whites were more likely to exclude blacks because of physical attraction. Black women were more highly excluded than black men and more excluded because of their perceived aggressive personalities or behavior and physical attraction. Black men were more excluded because of social disapproval. Thus, persistent racial ideology continues to drive the social distance between blacks and non-blacks, particularly toward black females.


Ralph Richard Banks (2011) suggests that "black women can best promote Black marriage by opening themselves to relationships with men of other races" (p. 175); this implies their increased openness will be matched by non-black daters. Recent research challenges this view. Robnett and Feliciano (2011) found that, among Internet daters, blacks were the only minority group in which the women were more excluded than the men.
The idea behind my site is to catch the oppressor in the act of oppression and use my personal sense of humor as a political force. I wanted to subvert the expectations of a nasty guy in search of petite naked Asian bodies by showing him the full ugliness of "Sweet Asian girls". The perfect format for intercepting these visitors was to market my site as Asian porn. The format of the site follows that of a mail order bride site complete with a "harem" of not-so-exotic Asian women (pictures submissions I have received from different women of Asian ancestry throughout the world). My brides offer biographies that are much more humanized (and threatening!) than the brides in an actual mail order bride site. I also have prank calls to sex and pornography franchises posted ... The site was intended to shock and provoke the boundaries of being "politically correct" and force people to respond the way pie charts, statistics and graphs wouldn't. I purposely link my sites to nasty clubs and chatrooms to draw this traffic. I also link my site to Asian American activist sites. I even had a couple of ads running in the back of the New Times LA (where the masseuse ads are!) advertising the site as a porn site! (Wong, Manifesto).


The following comments are published on one genuine mail-order bride website calling itself the "Asian Bride" dating service site:

Why are Asian women so very attractive to the average man? Why do huge numbers of men find almost any Asian woman more appealing than almost any American woman? There are many reasons. For instance, in our opinion the Asian features, black hair, slender builds, smooth, golden skin, and Asian eyes are extremely appealing. They seem to be usually slim, well-groomed, and dressed with an understated sensuality that never appears tarty.


Real mail-order bride websites often panegyrize the qualities of Asian women and essentialize their suitability as wives for Western men. One website claims:

Asian ladies are honest, faithful, rarely get out of condition or lose their attractiveness and sexuality as they age, are extremely supportive, and care more about your heart than your bank account, totally alien to the demanding and unappreciative women that you are probably accustomed to. Asian women are extremely loyal. Once they decide they love you, they will stand by you in good times and bad. They are charming, petite, soft, and gentle and extremely feminine, making it a pleasure to spend time with them. Asian women are ladies and thus appreciate a gentleman. These women will not scold you, and call you a male chauvinist when you hold open a door for them. They appreciate politeness and thank you for it, to hell with feminists...who needs them! ...

OkCupid deittisivusto on julkaissut paljonkin uutta ja vanhaa tietoa ihmisten parinvalinnasta koskien rotua tai etnisyyttä.

En täysin ymmärrä, mistä näissä prosenteissa tai QuickMatch pisteissä on kyse, mutta ymmärtääkseni vihreät tai plussat kertovat halusta pariutua kyseiseen ryhmään kuuluvien kanssa ja punaiset tai miinukset haluttomuudesta. OkCupid:in mukaan ihmiset suhtautuvat nykyisin myönteisemmin sekarotuisiin parisuhteisiin, mutta se ei näy parinvalinnassa.

Alta voidaan nähdä naisten osalta kuinka heistä kaikki haluavat ensisijaisesti pariutua samaan ryhmään kuuluvan miehen kanssa. Aasialaiselle naiselle kelpaa aasialaisen miehen jälkeen valkoinen mies, mutta nähtävästi aasialaiset naiset eivät oikein tykkää latino miehistä ja eivätkä varsinkaan mustista miehistä. Musta nainen haluaa mieluiten mustan miehen, mutta kaikkein vähiten aasialaisen miehen. Latino naiset muodostaisivat myös ensisijaisesti parisuhteen latino miehen kanssa, jonka jälkeen valkoisen miehen kanssa, mutta suhtautuminen punaisen värin perusteella on aasialaisiin ja mustiin miehiin kielteinen. Valkoinen nainen käyttäytyy samalla tavalla, että ensisijaisesti valkoinen mies, jonka jälkeen latino mies. Valkoinen nainen näyttää kuitenkin vähän enemmän tykkäävän mustista miehistä kuin aasialaisista miehistä verrattuna muihin ei mustiin naisiin, joka vastaa hyvin parisuhdetilastoja.

Jos vielä tarkastellaan miesten mieltymyksiä voidaan havaita kuinka prosentit ovat aika pieniä, mutta miehillä näyttää olevan hyvin kielteinen suhtautuminen mustiin naisiin. Vaikka yleisesti tutkimusten perusteella naiset eivät mielellään muodosta sekarotuista parisuhdetta voidaan kuitenkin miesten osalta havaita käytöksessä eroa. Valkoiset miehet ovat nähtävästi suhtautuneet kaikkein myönteisemmin aasialaisiin naisiin, jonka jälkeen valkoisiin naisiin ja sitten latino naisiin. Valkoisten miesten käyttäytymisessä voi olla osaltaan kyse kauneudesta, että jos vaikka muut kuin aasialaiset naiset ovat lihavia. Mustat miehet tykkäävät vähiten valkoisista naisista, mutta ovat vähän enemmän halukkaampia pariutumaan aasialaisen ja latino naisen kanssa kuin musta naisen kanssa, mutta nämä prosentit ovat kyllä hyvin pieniä. Aasialaiset ja latino miehet tuovat selvemmin esille halukkuutensa pariutua ensisijaisesti samaan ryhmään kuuluvan naisen kanssa.

OkCupid sivuston perustajiin lukeutuva Christian Rudder pohdiskelee syitä näihin ihmisten käytöksiin kuinka kyse olisi kauneudesta ja nähtävästi valkoisten asemasta, jonka takia enemmän valkoisen taustan omaavia suositaan, joka sitten näkyy sekarotuisissa.
There are many situations that might not be explicitly romantic, but are nonetheless a lot like a first date. A job interview. Trying to rent an apartment. When you meet your freshman roommates. Anytime you’re trying to make an impression on a stranger. And science has long known that bonuses accrue to beautiful people: they have better outcomes at work and at school, more success with juries, even live longer lives, and so on. In short, “beautiful people” receive a lot of the same built-in benefits in our society that white people do.

I think that’s no coincidence. Beauty is a cultural idea as much as a physical one, and the standard is of course set by the dominant culture. I believe that’s what you see in the data here. One interesting thing about OkCupid’s interface is that we allow people to select more than one race, so you can actually look at people who’ve combined “white” with another racial description. Adding “whiteness” always helps your rating! In fact it goes a long way towards undoing any bias against you.

I'm using Match.com now. A large percentage of white women are limiting their searches to "White/Caucasian" men. Larger than I would have guessed. I'd say above 80%. Such a politically incorrect thing to do. The "No Preference" option is a distant second. Once you limit your searches to "White/Caucasian", all the men who look at your profile will see that you're only interested in whites. TV, school, college constantly tell us all not to discriminate. It's one of the main messages of the age. I would say that above 95% of young women (I'm looking at the 25 to 32 range in the NYC area) put "Liberal" as their political orientation. Some even advertise a concern for lefty social causes in their write-ups. Many of those still limit their searches to "White/Caucasian".
White men get more responses. Whatever it is, white males just get more replies from almost every group. We were careful to preselect our data pool so that physical attractiveness (as measured by our site picture-rating utility) was roughly even across all the race/gender slices. For guys, we did likewise with height.

White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively. These three types of women only respond well to white men. More significantly, these groups’ reply rates to non-whites is terrible. Asian women write back non-white males at 21.9%, Hispanic women at 22.9%, and white women at 23.0%. It’s here where things get interesting, for white women in particular. If you look at the match-by-race table before this one, the “should-look-like” one, you see that white women have an above-average compatibility with almost every group. Yet they only reply well to guys who look like them.
New stats from more than 1 million online daters show that whites mostly stick with whites and rarely respond to overtures from potential black love interests.

Young, black men, on the other hand, were most likely to throw themselves wide-open into the romantic fray and were willing to date all races.
Acceptance by the dominant group reveals the current standing of racial groups in the U.S. hierarchy, as well as the possibility for assimilation. However, few researchers have addressed the gendered nature of racial preferences by whites. We examine whites’ exclusion of blacks, Latinos, Asians, Middle Easterners, East Indians and Native Americans as possible dates, using a sample of profiles collected from an internet dating website. We find that white men are more willing than white women to date non-whites in general, yet, with the exception of their top two preferences for dates, whites and Latinos, the racial hierarchies of males and females differ. Among daters with stated racial preferences, white men are more likely to exclude blacks as possible dates, while white women are more likely to exclude Asians. We argue that exclusion relates to racialized images of masculinity and femininity, and shapes dating and marriage outcomes, and thus minority groups’ possibilities for full social incorporation.
The United States is a rapidly diversifying country with ethnic minorities comprising over a quarter of the US population. By the year 2050, over half of the United States will be ethnic minority, underscoring the importance of better understanding race relations and willingness to date intra- and inter-racially. Data from 2,123 online dating profiles were randomly collected from four racial groups (Asian, Black, Latino, and White). Results indicated that willingness to date intra-racially was generally high and that willingness to date inter-racially was lower and influenced by racial social status. Because men evidenced an overall high willingness to date inter-racially, women’s willingness to out-date provided a more accurate depiction of racial social status and exchange. Women of higher racial status groups were less willing than those from lower status groups to outdate. Results are explored and discussed in relation to different theories of interpersonal attraction and dating.
Black women's skin color perceptions were identified utilizing qualitative methods. The primary goal was to identify the relevance of these perceptions on their understandings about dating preferences and related beliefs about appropriate scripts using a black feminist thought framework. Twenty-eight self-identified black women attending a large university in the Southeastern United States were interviewed for this study. Lighter skin was perceived as being more attractive and associated with three themes about dating: (a) positive personality traits, (b) increased value in dating contexts, and (c) sexual appeal to men. Therapeutic considerations for addressing skin color concerns with black female clients, including addressing within-group differences and validation of skin color values, were addressed.
Using data from 6070 U.S. heterosexual internet dating profiles, this study examines how racial and gender exclusions are revealed in the preferences of black, Latino, Asian and white online daters. Consistent with social exchange and group positions theories, the study finds that whites are least open to out-dating and that, unlike blacks, Asians and Latinos have patterns of racial exclusion similar to those of whites. Like blacks, higher earning groups including Asian Indians, Middle Easterners and Asian men are highly excluded, suggesting that economic incorporation may not mirror acceptance in intimate settings. Finally, racial exclusion in dating is gendered; Asian males and black females are more highly excluded than their opposite-sex counterparts, suggesting that existing theories of race relations need to be expanded to account for gendered racial acceptance.
Attractiveness is a valuable commodity in dating situations. This study investigates whether (1) race affects attractiveness, and (2) whether ones’ attractiveness and race affect the likelihood of being asked out on a date. 103 men were asked to fill out a survey in which they rated white, black and Asian headshots of women on attractiveness. They were then asked to choose 4 of those they found most and least attractive, and whom they would most and least likely ask out on a date. While many will claim that they do not see color and that beauty has no color or race, this study finds that attractiveness is in fact racialized. In general, those who were judged more attractive were more likely to be included in the “most attractive” list and in the “most likely ask for a date” list. Pictures of white women were 2.08 times more likely than pictures of black women, and 2.33 times more likely than pictures of Asian women to be included in the “most attractive” list. Pictures of white women were 2.04 times more likely than pictures of black women, and 1.03 times more likely than pictures of Asian women to be included in the “most likely ask on a date” list.
White daters’ messages are likely to get responses from daters of other racial groups, but white women respond mostly to white men. Black daters, the study finds, tend to be ignored when they contact non-blacks. And, Lundquist says “black women are the most penalized of any online dating group.”

In a study on same-sex online dating initiation that she presented earlier this year at a meeting of the Population Association of America, Lundquist finds gay white men and heterosexual white women are the least likely to cross racial boundaries. The most likely are heterosexual white men and lesbian white women.

Dating website AYI.com (formerly Are You Interested?) has also just analyzed two months of interactions of 2.4 million heterosexual site users for their racial preferences and found Asian women the most preferred by all men except Asians – who prefer Hispanic women. Asian women prefer men of a different race. Black men are the least likely to get a response, except from black women, says Josh Fischer of New York City, who handles data analysis for the website.

According to one 2009 internet dating study, “black women specifically were the least preferred racial group for white men”. The study also found that “when Internet daters were allowed to explicitly exclude certain groups, more than 90 percent of white men who stated racial preferences excluded black women”. Further, Banks reports that the operators of OkCupid, an internet dating site, found that of all racial groups, black women sent the most messages initiating contact and received the fewest replies. Banks concedes that these studies confirm that black women are disadvantaged in the interracial dating market, and with white men in particular.